right now 1102 0520p

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right now 1102 0520p

Postby madd74 » Sun Nov 02, 2003 17:22:37

-right now: I am getting ready for shower, followed by going out to El Rodeo (a change from Godfather's). I finally found out why the computer was shutting down, and it had nothing to do with the computer. It dealt with the UPS... it appears to be malfunctioning, even worse now than before. I bought it back when I worked at wallyworld, so it just must be it's time to go. Too bad, the last thing I require is more expenses. Unfortunately, the external hard drive is connected to that, meaning I no longer have an H drive, so yet another set-back. I can get it working, however it would be a massive pain to relocate it to another power source. I may be able to find a way around it.
I will have something here... at some point...
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Postby ditzwill » Mon Nov 03, 2003 16:28:08

Awwww, El Rodeo. I love El Rodeo and have coupons that I think expire tomorrow. I was even back from Clarinda in time to go. I should have called you. Phooey on me. Was it good? :} Who'd you go with?
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Postby madd74 » Wed Nov 05, 2003 12:16:09

it was very good and I went with Gizmo, Erica, Camily, and ran into an old work buddy who bought my drink.
I will have something here... at some point...
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