right now 0903 1236a * revised 1254a

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right now 0903 1236a * revised 1254a

Postby madd74 » Tue Sep 02, 2003 23:48:31

Well, I am getting ready for bed. Actually, I am getting ready for FFO1/Gp/FFO2 since as of after I go to work at 11am I will not be back home at all today. This week is going to turn out to be extremely busy. Very so since Friday I shall also be working until 9pm. Then, I am off to WI, unless, a certain someone does not tell me where the heck he lives. Updating is going to be difficult. Oh, and technology sucks, I am going to get ready now. Stupid road construction.
Oh yeah, and tomorrow I am going to Billy J... I will most likely be there with a few work humans, however, I shall be there ealier than usual, 9pm, so all are welcome.
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