right now 1118 0348p

This is to find out what Madd is up to on a day to day basis.

right now 1118 0348p

Postby madd74 » Tue Nov 18, 2003 15:51:29

-right now: well, a slight schedule change. last night I traded days with Mike/Q. He has helped me out plenty, I would not deny him. I am now working this Sat and am off today in its place. Important emails are going to be read once I have gotten ready for my day. I hope to catch up on a lot of things, seeing as that I got about 12 hours of sleep and am extremely rested. Also note, that later this waking day I am going to Grandma Max, with about 17+ Qwest humans who want to watch Madd make history. I am going to eat the huge 4lb burger in less than an hours time. I hope not to let my fellow humans down! This will about 1220a Wednesday.
I will have something here... at some point...
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