Yes, that is certainly an oversight, and I am certain someone is already in the brainworks of making a MOD that allows the new user group to send to admins if wanted

I actually have alternate contacts, but if you are like a lot of people, you disable javascript so you would not see the "cool" little menu on the bottom. Even so, if you did, there is no clear "contact me" button. It is something I certainly plan to work on.
I use to live from frozen dinners so I know all about that. Well, I would say it better to have a limited menu and cook great, than a huge one and mostly cook like crap

I can cook when required, and one of my specialties is chili. I have had no complaints and people have really enjoyed it. Of course, the biggest "secret" is letting it simmer over night. Ah yes, that cooks those flavors right in!
I agree with the good active admin. I remember when I was not. It was not anything other people would see, because of other measures to combat spam. However, the Russian posts would confuse the heck out of my board, and I would have posts from 1970 I would not ever see, because they were "so old". Well, I think I fixed that problem since after converting to 3.0.6 and switching user names to be alphanumeric, I have had no issues with those posts.
That sucks about being laid off. On the bright side, more game and admin time

I plan to take a route similar to Google. Nice clean main page without lots of clutter. Just have your image, a <H1> tag, and some links and the like. I also want to have my "you are not using cookies/javascript" redirects to attempt to help those who are paranoid about turning it on, or at least give better options for those who do not want to or cannot for whatever reason.
In terms of "getting people", the biggest thing I am looking at is "giving away" free money and stuff. Money really does not mean as much to me as... what's that word... "traffic"

I know what some would think, "Um, if you have no ads to make money, and charge nothing, what do you care about traffic for?" it is a great question, and some day, I will answer it

I have not listenend to the actual radio for a long time. It gets so old hearing nothing but ads. I have a 6 disc in my car, and like to crank out that. While I mainly listen to the first disc (a video game burn disc I made), I at least have the other varity when I want it!
So, thank you for your post, and joining, and for beating MY HIGH SCORE (which I will get back, don't worry!). Catch you on later, so I hope

I will have something here... at some point...