You have a good site all very tastefully done!

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You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby rittachkas » Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:23:20

You have a good site all very tastefully done! I really liked.
Sincerely Ritt.

Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby madd74 » Wed Oct 14, 2009 19:59:28

I will have something here... at some point...
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Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby PiperTheMad » Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:45:35

I do concur :)
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Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby madd74 » Mon Oct 19, 2009 17:21:21

Hahaha, it reminds me that I really want to do some massive work to it, especially in the ROM department for NES games to be played via the site. Of course, since games is all people seem to enjoy anymore, I was wanting to have that done also, adding more flash games.

I think the poster in question might have been a bot, however, nothing of malice and no attempt to spam anything (other than my actual site), so I figured, what the heck :)
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Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby sewcute » Wed Oct 28, 2009 22:44:12

I am more interested in blogs than games :p
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Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby madd74 » Wed Oct 28, 2009 22:56:05

Well, sweet, then you might actually like the work I have started on :mrgreen:
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Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby Cpt. Blackbeard » Wed Feb 10, 2010 21:33:16

I don't even like the word Blog, it's a web Log people :P Guess I'm getting old and stuck in my ways, never thought it would happen to me. :shock:
It is a good site, and a good Admin, glad to be here. I'm still coding my main Webpage, it was hacked last fall and taken down so this time I'm coding it myself, trouble is I'm teaching myself how as I go so progress is slow. My other Admins are more talented than I so at least I can call on them for assistance when I hit a snag. One I return to work in a few weeks my online time will drop, want to see my truck?
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Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby madd74 » Thu Feb 11, 2010 17:02:02

Oh, nice picture of your truck. You do that park job yourself? :D

Yeah, well, web log it might be, blog is what caught on so we are all stuck with it. Oh well. Thank you for the compliment! Yeah, I am self taught also. I get a lot of information from places like phpbb and as they have some very smart people over there also. My site got hacked once. Many moons ago. I went to go to the forums, and I saw a redirect that noted "contact billing", and like a moron I did not realizing my code had all been changed. Yeah, that is the reason I fight the spam bots even more. It is more than just keeping garbage off forums. It is a way to show the spam/hackers that I now run a tight ship here, and that their efforts are futile.


Well, I should go get something done, or something...
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Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby Cpt. Blackbeard » Thu Feb 11, 2010 23:37:57

Ayep. Flat dry field at the end of July you don't expect to find a hole like that. Took a very large wrecker, the Excavator in the picture plus a bulldozer to pull me out.

Getting hacked was a real pain, Forums were down ten days before my host could put them back up, but he did give me a free year of hosting to make up for it.
I'd built the website with Soho-launch and he got in through it they said so this time no third party software. Right now I'm procrastinating though, I need to get back to work on it.I figure a good webpage will draw folks to my Forums, and Forums are what I love, I've set up several types to test, SMF, Burning Boards and others, phpBB is still my favorite.
I saw you started to add the Points Mod, what happened? I'd like it myself but my Webmaster won't add it and I'm not skilled enough to try it yet.
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Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby madd74 » Sat Feb 13, 2010 16:55:08

Ah huh, sure, blame the road :-P

I know it certainly is a pain, however for a free year, wow, talk about nice. That, however, leaves me to wonder the reason for the hack. If you are getting hacked because of software you use (such as I did), well that is one thing. When your provider is getting hacked, well, that is another, and would certainly be a concern for me. I remember when PHPBB got hacked through the phplist they used. While hashing is used for passwords, there is still some concern as to what information is being "stolen".

Oh dear my I know all about procrastination :D I am a master of it. You might have more years and more experience at it, I seem to have a strong passion to make it happen 8) There are some strong keys to a great website. I think your main page is an important one. Some people seem to think to throw as much on there as possible. Some just put what you are looking for and let the content take it from there. Look at google. Their main page is super simple. You have the option to turn it into iGoogle, a portal of sorts, that offers whatever it is you want. A lot of places do that. MSN and a bunch of others have, and the user can have whatever they want up there. Some day, I would like to have something like that (see also procrastination).

I had a cash MOD, and I was having too many problems to get it to work exactly the way I wanted, so I removed it (with only slight difficulty). I noticed the Ultimate points MOD was released for 3.0.6 and I am going to go with that (see also procrastination). If I get around to it, I am sure I could set it up for you. Positive karma around the board :)
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Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby Cpt. Blackbeard » Sat Feb 13, 2010 20:26:32

Wasn't a road, it was a field :P Came very close to having the concrete set up in the drum to, can't turn it when you're leaning that bad. Cab View
Front view

THe Hacker got in through SOHOlaunch, web building software I used to make the site. Host has been great, no worries there.

I have a test board or three I play around with, been trying to add Automod there but no luck, wondering if I uploaded it right, and to the right place, instructions for it are almost useless, written for someone who doesn't need to use them. I need to learn how to do this stuff myself so I don't have to rely on others all the time. Eventually I'll get there.
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Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby madd74 » Sun Feb 28, 2010 13:40:04

Yeah it certainly was not a road. I thought drinking and driving was illegal? :drunk: Or maybe you were going another route? [smilie=rauch08.gif] hehehe.

Those certainly are some impressive pictures you have there. It is good that your host was great to work with when you were hacked. I know how a bad host can bring bad experiences :sigh:

I have not used Automod. I have something about wanting to do all the changes myself. I used the auto update of the main phpbb and there are just too many "I do not know what to do, here, let me guess" and it tends to guess wrong making things difficult down the road :D Yes learing to do it yourself would be a good move as it allows for the custom things that allow you to make the code work exactly for you. Plus, relying on others can be a pain.
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Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby Cpt. Blackbeard » Tue Mar 02, 2010 13:42:30

I was not impressed with Automod though it is still Beta. I tried installing three different Mods with it and it failed on all three
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Re: You have a good site all very tastefully done!

Postby madd74 » Wed Mar 03, 2010 23:32:51

I see a lot of people complaining about their inability to get automod to work. One could blame it off as user error, however the whole point of automod is for people who "really are unsure what they are doing" to be able to install MODS.
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