Ah huh, sure, blame the road
I know it certainly is a pain, however for a free year, wow, talk about nice. That, however, leaves me to wonder the reason for the hack. If you are getting hacked because of software you use (such as I did), well that is one thing. When your provider is getting hacked, well, that is another, and would certainly be a concern for me. I remember when PHPBB got hacked through the phplist they used. While hashing is used for passwords, there is still some concern as to what information is being "stolen".
Oh dear my I know all about procrastination

I am a master of it. You might have more years and more experience at it, I seem to have a strong passion to make it happen

There are some strong keys to a great website. I think your main page is an important one. Some people seem to think to throw as much on there as possible. Some just put what you are looking for and let the content take it from there. Look at google. Their main page is super simple. You have the option to turn it into iGoogle, a portal of sorts, that offers whatever it is you want. A lot of places do that. MSN and a bunch of others have my.SITE.com, and the user can have whatever they want up there. Some day, I would like to have something like that (see also procrastination).
I had a cash MOD, and I was having too many problems to get it to work exactly the way I wanted, so I removed it (with only slight difficulty). I noticed the Ultimate points MOD was released for 3.0.6 and I am going to go with that (see also procrastination). If I get around to it, I am sure I could set it up for you. Positive karma around the board

I will have something here... at some point...