Join the BOT!!

Any problems with any Maddian services (, JOHD, etc) are to be directed here. If you notice something is not working the way it is meant to, or if you run across a broken link on any part of my site, make sure to post here please so I can fix it!

Join the BOT!!

Postby madd74 » Wed Aug 13, 2003 11:34:30

I have created a special usergroup that allows humans to be informed whenever I make a post in here regarding changes.

<a>Click here to open a seperate window to join</a>

What can you expect in your email from the board?

-schedule updates, including work, vacation changes, special plans with humans, etc
-Madd's World updates (
-major life event changes (moving, number change, marriage)
-support issues (JOHD goes down, board problems, known errors within the site*)

In general, if it is something massively important that is has potential to impact humans I know, then it gets posted in here.

* - should the actual site go down, I hope to have a copy of everyone's email so that I can find another way to get information of the problem in hand
Last edited by madd74 on Sat Jul 28, 2007 16:34:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Xbox Live: madd74
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Playstation ID: madd74

Postby madd74 » Sat Jul 28, 2007 16:34:09

obviously, this no longer applies
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Master of Maddness
Posts: 3573
Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2003 10:16:53
Location: Des Moines, IA
Xbox Live: madd74
wii: 3171-6085-4693-8857
Playstation ID: madd74

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