The new menu "floaty bar"

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The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby madd74 » Thu Dec 27, 2007 19:57:42

(12/27 18:24:25) cmplxty7: I had asked if there would be an option to make the floaty bar go away
(12/27 18:24:36) cmplxty7: then I said if not I would get used to it
(12/27 18:24:47) cmplxty7: it is just annoying me right now.
(12/27 18:24:59) cmplxty7: but that whole message didn't post :/
(12/27 18:43:07) madd74: I am not sure what you meant by that (message post), as I have not had any problems posting anything. I hope to use an option that would allow one to make a preference to where the menu goes, similar to
(12/27 18:44:14) madd74: notice, that when you select the check box, you can make the menu move on spot to things, and I would LOVE to make it so a setting could be set by anyone who obeys cookies
As anyone who has been to places on knows by now, there is a "floaty bar" that "follows" you when you scroll up and down web pages. dITZ appears to use this in the same manner a cat uses a ball of yarn. It's actual purpose, however, is far greater.

As noted in my shoutbox conversation with cmplxty7, I do hope to have an option that allows users to actually change the position and behavior of the "floaty bar" (known in the Internet world as a menu :D) The menu is going to have links to many things, and make navigating my site extremely easy for anyone. I am even going to link to some of my friends, as I had always intended to do way back in the day as I started with Stingray. It has been noted to me that HTML can be used inside the menu itself, so here is to hoping things turn out the way I would like them to! More information shall be posted soon.
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"Coming Soon"

Postby madd74 » Fri Dec 28, 2007 18:32:13

Note that clicking on the coming soon sub menu will bring you to this thread.

My site is growing, and I am adding a lot of new exciting things. I am going to add a real download section, with actual files (as opposed to five or so I have now), some free and useful tools, among other things. All of this can be accessed from the floaty menu bar.

Also, I am going to have links to your personal site, so my friends or cool people who stop by will have links on my menu (assuming your site does not totally suck).
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Re: The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby sewcute » Fri Dec 28, 2007 21:39:44

so there is no way to get rid of it?!

I mean the thing like one D's site are cute, but this just annoying. Put it at the top and bottom, no reason to have it following us everywhere, there isn't THAT much to scroll through on your site.
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Re: The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby ditzwill » Fri Dec 28, 2007 21:42:45

huh? What'd I do?
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Re: The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby sewcute » Fri Dec 28, 2007 21:47:54

ditzwill wrote:huh? What'd I do?

I was referencing when he talked about a cat chasing yarn on your site.
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Re: The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby ditzwill » Fri Dec 28, 2007 21:52:40

sewcute wrote:
ditzwill wrote:huh? What'd I do?

I was referencing when he talked about a cat chasing yarn on your site.
OH! I think he was more referring to the fact that I race the Floaty Bar up and down the page. hehehe 8)
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Re: The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby sewcute » Sat Dec 29, 2007 19:20:21

LOL!! I do that too but it ALWAYS catches up with me :p
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Re: The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby sewcute » Wed Jan 09, 2008 18:09:42

thank you for changing the floaty bar!!!
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Re: The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby madd74 » Wed Jan 09, 2008 18:17:04

sewcute wrote:so there is no way to get rid of it?!

I mean the thing like one D's site are cute, but this just annoying. Put it at the top and bottom, no reason to have it following us everywhere, there isn't THAT much to scroll through on your site.
The original reason it was following you was due to an implication I am no longer using, where the current chat for the forum was going to indicate the users in chat for everyone in the site, and this would have shown you in real time people who might hope onto it. Also, I was going to have it so you could set where you wanted it (top, bottomw, center, side, floating or not).However, at this time, I am not implimenting that chat, I am using a different chat for the site, so the menu is no longer floating (sorry dITZ!). The new chat is going to be:

At this point, the current chat is still going to be used, because the site chat is not compatible with the forum. I did a test where I had it in the footer of the forum, and each time you clicked somewhere, it logged you out, then right back in, but since only one user is allowed at a time, it would log you in as another person. So, "madd74" would be logged in from the index page of the forum, click on "new posts", and in the bottom, two people were logged in, "madd74" and "madd749" or whatever random number it would generate. Unless the creators of the chat (meebo) have a way to fix this, then I will continue to use the shoutbox in the forum, and the link up top (where it says Chat []) is going to be changed, so when you hover over it, you can select the shoutbox chat, or the site chat. The other problem with the site chat, is that I have no way to make people registered with the board show up automatically as that person. So if user "Stingray" for the board were to click on the site chat, he will show as a guest with a random name.

So, to recap for all who are lost:
  • the menu should no longer be following you
  • the chat link on the menu bar mow points to, not (if you hover over it and it shows ../bb/chat then you should refresh)
  • the shoutbox has been fixed
  • the menu bar is still going to have a lot of wonderful work done to it, making getting around my site easy
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Re: The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby cmplxty7 » Wed Jan 09, 2008 18:27:45

the floaty menu bar still follows me :( WHYYYYYY???!!
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Re: The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby madd74 » Wed Jan 09, 2008 19:09:52

Refresh your browser.
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Re: The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby cmplxty7 » Wed Jan 09, 2008 19:18:43

you mean hit the refresh button? doesn't do anything. I have closed the window & reopened and that damn thing STILL follows me!!!
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Re: The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby madd74 » Wed Jan 09, 2008 23:47:49

try going to one of the other pages by putting in the address ( , and then clicking on the Forum menu from there to see if that works.
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Re: The new menu "floaty bar"

Postby cmplxty7 » Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:40:14

it's fixed. THANK YOU!!! :)
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