Like, yeah, for real man! This is the TOTALLY random chat for those who like to totally random their thoughts in six words or less! Please keep i mind, it would be prefered you use for as opposed to "IM" through posts.
Forum rules
This forum is for extremely random chat. Be warned that posting in here means people may go off topic! Please keep i mind, it would be prefered you use as opposed to "IM"ing through posts.
I'm off work now, so I'm going home and won't be on the board anymore tonight I'm so sorry. We were on a roll and I was having a great time! Talk to you Soon!!!!
I have worried about it EVERY month since we started having sex. I don't care as much now. If it happens it happens, nothing I can do to stop it, we are already doing all we can to
I've heard that as well. But I there are a lot of people who get pregnant on purpose who are as ready as they'll ever be. I'm not as ready as I'll ever be