Disturbing? A little

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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby sewcute » Sat Oct 13, 2007 20:30:21

do you have brothers or sisters?
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby Mair » Sat Oct 13, 2007 20:38:52

Oh yes. I have a sister and 2 brothers all older than I. My sister turned 41 today (YIKES) and I'm estranged from her. She has 2 kiddies Shelby (age 17 which makes me want to cry because it seems like just yesterday she was toddling around) and Nikki (will be 14 next Monday).
My brother is age 39...he's estranged himself from the family. He has 3 girls. Ages 13, 12, and 10. I haven't seen them in almost 2 years.
My other brother is 34. He lives in PA and has 3 kids. Matthew will be 7 on the 25th. Ellie is 5 1/2 and Taryn (girl) turned 3 this past Thursday. They are expecting baby number 4 in May. But, since they live in PA, my parents rarely get to see them. My sister lives in Chicago so they don't get to see them often. And then of course they never see my other brother's kids. So they're depending on me to give them local grandkids they can spoil. I told them that if God wants me to have a baby, all the birth control in the world isn't going to stop Him from making it happen.
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby sewcute » Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:40:03

so they have some grandkids.

I am sorry you are estranged from some of your siblings.
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby Mair » Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:38:43

Thank you. I am, too. My brother and I were VERY close. In fact, his wife and I were best friends. I miss that relationship. We had so much fun together. This was HIS choice, though.
My sister and I are estranged because she told my dad to take a flying leap last year in this huge long letter telling him how he can just be happy having a relationship with Mark and Mari since they are so perfect and la-dee-dee and how she's never been able to live up to his standards when the problem is...SHE WON'T QUIT FREAKIN' LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!

The last time I talked to her, she called me crying (which wasn't something out of the ordinary for her) because she had hurt Dad's feelings over something or other. Well, this is what she told ME. The REAL story is that she was scared because she had been caught lying about something. She was just trying to make herself feel better, so she wanted soothing words from me. The only way she was going to get them was by giving me a sob story, so she gave me one. So, she calls me lying about her lie. That's when I called it quits. I'm just sick of listening to her lie about everything. I don't have time to invest in a relationship like that. I only have time to invest in relationships that are productive. Not to be her scape goat. Right after she and Dad reconciled, she called him and asked "Why doesn't Mari ever email me back?" So, Dad asked me why. I said "Well firstly, because of how she hurt you and the fact that her mouth NEVER stops lying. 2ndly, she hasn't emailed me in over a year". So, there she's lying to my dad again saying she's emailed me and I've ignored her when she never emailed me to begin with.
The list goes on....SHE I do NOT miss. Her kids...I miss a little bit.
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby ditzwill » Sat Nov 10, 2007 20:06:03

Mair wrote:I don't want higher than Madd and I doubt you'll ever be able to catch up :D
That would take a lot of beer and pot. lol 8)
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby ditzwill » Sat Nov 10, 2007 20:17:31

Mair wrote:
sewcute wrote:online like I met every other of my boyfriends
Oh yay!!!! I met my husband online, too. Only he lived in Florida at the time and then moved to Ohio. Then he decided to grace Iowa with his residency :)
I am happy to say that I met my fiance in person. While we're both quite active online (and have been online for the same amount of time), we're active in completely different places (except for LJ and hopefully here) so we never ran into each other. However, I did meet him thru my best friend who met him online. For this reason, I hesitate to completely leave out the Internet when I explain how I met him. One of these days, I'm going to have to write out a "Story of Us" because it's absolutely fascinating to me how God kept us so close together age wise, location wise, and interest wise our entire lives, but didn't bring us together until it was the right time.

Speak of the devil... Gotta jet cuz he's here to pick me up now. :)
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby Mair » Sat Nov 10, 2007 22:38:28

I actually quit telling people I met my husband online if I can get away with it. Don't know why. I think it just could sound cheesey. But, we will be celebrating 5 years of marriage on the 22nd and have every intention to be together until "death do us part". We have more than just intention. We have commitment.
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby sewcute » Sun Nov 11, 2007 19:50:12

ditzwill wrote:
Mair wrote:
sewcute wrote:online like I met every other of my boyfriends
Oh yay!!!! I met my husband online, too. Only he lived in Florida at the time and then moved to Ohio. Then he decided to grace Iowa with his residency :)
I am happy to say that I met my fiance in person. While we're both quite active online (and have been online for the same amount of time), we're active in completely different places (except for LJ and hopefully here) so we never ran into each other. However, I did meet him thru my best friend who met him online. For this reason, I hesitate to completely leave out the Internet when I explain how I met him. One of these days, I'm going to have to write out a "Story of Us" because it's absolutely fascinating to me how God kept us so close together age wise, location wise, and interest wise our entire lives, but didn't bring us together until it was the right time.

Speak of the devil... Gotta jet cuz he's here to pick me up now. :)

I met your fianc? online ;)
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby ditzwill » Mon Nov 12, 2007 13:03:05

sewcute wrote:ok I gave Madd his Quilt in Cedar Falls. He was on a road trip with Gretchen and D. I gave it to him there. Gretchen would have driven back with him to Des Moines. She probably helped him unpack his stuff and put it into his apt.
I remember that. It was the first time I'd ever been to Decorah or Cedar Falls. I was sooooo car sick. <blech>
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby ditzwill » Mon Nov 12, 2007 13:06:27

Mair wrote:I hear what you are saying. Fortunately, even when Madd is not on the board, I sit right by him at work so I get plenty of Madd.
There is no such thing as getting plenty of Madd. I lived on his couch for two years and would probably still live on his couch if it weren't for the family of spiders that started eating me alive. I miss my Maddness. <sniff> :cry:
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby ditzwill » Mon Nov 12, 2007 13:15:10

Mair wrote:I actually quit telling people I met my husband online if I can get away with it. Don't know why. I think it just could sound cheesey. But, we will be celebrating 5 years of marriage on the 22nd and have every intention to be together until "death do us part". We have more than just intention. We have commitment.
From the sounds of things, you have more than a commitment, you have a covenant before God. I congratulate you on having what a lot of people don't. 8)
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby ditzwill » Mon Nov 12, 2007 13:17:27

sewcute wrote:I met your fianc? online ;)
I know!! That positively floors me. 8)
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby sewcute » Mon Nov 12, 2007 22:09:06

I KNOW!! it's crazy!! and shows what a small world it is!!
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby madd74 » Wed Nov 14, 2007 19:03:42

ditzwill wrote:
Mair wrote:I hear what you are saying. Fortunately, even when Madd is not on the board, I sit right by him at work so I get plenty of Madd.
There is no such thing as getting plenty of Madd. I lived on his couch for two years and would probably still live on his couch if it weren't for the family of spiders that started eating me alive. I miss my Maddness. <sniff> :cry:
Awwww!! How massively wonderful to say! Yay, someone other than my girlfriend who can admit that, yay! Actually... I am not sure, but I think Melissa indirectly states the same thing.

Look at me, multiple quotes, but only one post :p

ditzwill wrote:
madd74 wrote:You had no say what-so-ever with the beard shaving. I stated (to myself) I wanted pictures of my great long venture in non-shaving, and I finally had taken the pictures, and here you see me now... a bald and broken man.
No more Mountain Madd?? Bald? Did you shave your head too? Where are these pictures of which you speak??
Oh yeah, that did not last long, haha!! It grows so darn fast, I just cannot keep up with it!

sewcute wrote:I KNOW!! it's crazy!! and shows what a small world it is!!
It has to be, someone made a song about it... the market has spoken!
I will have something here... at some point...
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Re: Disturbing? A little

Postby sewcute » Wed Nov 14, 2007 19:05:55

madd74 wrote:
ditzwill wrote:
Mair wrote:I hear what you are saying. Fortunately, even when Madd is not on the board, I sit right by him at work so I get plenty of Madd.
There is no such thing as getting plenty of Madd. I lived on his couch for two years and would probably still live on his couch if it weren't for the family of spiders that started eating me alive. I miss my Maddness. <sniff> :cry:
Awwww!! How massively wonderful to say! Yay, someone other than my girlfriend who can admit that, yay! Actually... I am not sure, but I think Melissa indirectly states the same thing.

Well I generally like to hang out with my friends. . .
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