Like, yeah, for real man! This is the TOTALLY random chat for those who like to totally random their thoughts in six words or less! Please keep i mind, it would be prefered you use for as opposed to "IM" through posts.
Forum rules
This forum is for extremely random chat. Be warned that posting in here means people may go off topic! Please keep i mind, it would be prefered you use as opposed to "IM"ing through posts.
Exactly. You can eat whatever you want, but you have to count their points. Like I could have 3 donuts in one day, but they would take up all of my allotted points so that's all I could have. (and that's just an example because 3 donuts is MORE than my allotted points)
Mair wrote:I eat plenty. It's why I have a weight problem.
I eat more!! I eat more!! Currently we (Chris, Jenny, and I) are on a Buffet City kick. Oh man it's so good!!
Yesterday Jenny brought up an interesting point. She and I have enabled our eating addictions to an absolute fault. Would we be 100lbs lighter if we'd never become best friends?
The world may never know and I'd rather have the 100lbs and her as a best friend any day.