If it is video game talk not otherwise covered in another forum, here you go!


Postby mt » Sun Mar 21, 2004 5:47:18

has anyone played it? its apparently sorta like FFTA, with side quests and such, but with system like FFX, hmm i haven't finished ffx yet, im still like maybe 60% of my way there, so if u played ffx-2 tell me what ya think.

Oh yeah also FFXII is coming out :D apparently its gonna be based in the world of FFTA, which should be cool with bangaas, vieras and moogles! Kupo!!
i larve j00z
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Postby madd74 » Tue Apr 06, 2004 1:13:31

I saw someone play it... I think Square needs to be kicked in the nuts, I would not say anything close to FFTA.

As for FFXII, well, here is the official (japanese) site from Square


Hmm... does not appear to be anything like FFTA, where are you getting your information?
I will have something here... at some point...
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