Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Postby madd74 » Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:09:54

I am happy for giving, so give me things!! haha, hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving, and eat safe, and drive full!
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

Postby monkeybone » Thu Nov 22, 2007 21:24:40

in the sprit of the day i give you this:

i wish you all well and as HAPPY a day as i've had !!

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

Postby ditzwill » Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:47:27

I, as well, wish all a Happy Thanxgiving!!

What was everyone's favorite dish? Any favorite moments?
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

Postby madd74 » Fri Nov 23, 2007 15:57:15

ditzwill wrote:Any favorite moments?
Jarin stop crying... it never gets old :D
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

Postby sewcute » Sun Nov 25, 2007 0:20:40

ditzwill wrote:I, as well, wish all a Happy Thanxgiving!!

What was everyone's favorite dish? Any favorite moments?

I think my favorite part of the dinner was the 15 minute sex conversation at my dinner table. I can't remember the details. . .but it was funny, because my grandparents were there, and of course both of my parents were getting into the conversation.

oh yeah I remember now!!!

My sister is dating a boy named Richard. . .We were going around the table telling what we are thankful for. And my other sister decided to say, "She is thankful for "Dick"."

Let me say that got things going!!
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

Postby ditzwill » Sun Nov 25, 2007 3:46:06

hehehe That's great! :) =D>
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

Postby sewcute » Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:05:18

I love my family dinner conversation ;)

it's generally a little off color. . .but the best is when milk comes out my nose. . .that didn't happen at thanksgiving luckily. . .cause the Turkey was right in front of me.
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

Postby ditzwill » Sun Nov 25, 2007 15:50:53

sewcute wrote:I love my family dinner conversation ;)

it's generally a little off color. . .but the best is when milk comes out my nose. . .that didn't happen at thanksgiving luckily. . .cause the Turkey was right in front of me.
I used to have that same problem except it would just shoot out my mouth. People would do it on purpose. I've since mastered the art of swallowing before laughing. :)
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

Postby Mair » Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:24:42

My thanksgiving was ok. Could've been worse...could've been better. But I am SO blessed I absolutely can NOT complain about having a family that loves each other and got together for the holiday.
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

Postby madd74 » Mon Nov 26, 2007 17:39:15

Mair wrote:My thanksgiving was ok. Could've been worse...could've been better. But I am SO blessed I absolutely can NOT complain about having a family that loves each other and got together for the holiday.
I am extremely lost as to what you mean by that. Were you able to hang with your mom and family without mass incident then?
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

Postby Mair » Tue Nov 27, 2007 16:02:42

madd74 wrote:I am extremely lost as to what you mean by that. Were you able to hang with your mom and family without mass incident then?

Uh....well, I had a BEAUTIFUL time with my brother which was what my concern was. He was an angel this time around when usually he is nothing short of a headache. He behaved like an adult should. I enjoyed my time with him and his family.

I didn't speak to my mom on T-Day, but spoke to her on Saturday trying to act like an adult myself....gosh...I just never win. She drove a wedge even deeper between us so that I probably won't be speaking to her for quite awhile. She has hurt me deeply.
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