
Like, yeah, for real man! This is the TOTALLY random chat for those who like to totally random their thoughts in six words or less! Please keep i mind, it would be prefered you use http://madd74.com/chat/ for as opposed to "IM" through posts.

Moderator: ditzwill

Forum rules
This forum is for extremely random chat. Be warned that posting in here means people may go off topic! Please keep i mind, it would be prefered you use http://madd74.com/chat/ as opposed to "IM"ing through posts.


Postby sewcute » Tue Nov 13, 2007 16:09:41

I have 1400 posts and am from .5 posts a day to .9 posts a day!!!!!! I am almost to 1 post a day!! Which is pretty good since I didn't use the forum for quite a while!!

Yay me!!
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