080711.5x - Website: Minicity

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080711.5x - Website: Minicity

Postby madd74 » Fri Jul 11, 2008 14:50:48


I have built a city on myminicity.com called "Madd's World". By clicking on a link every day (new day starts at 17:00 CST during DST) you can add to population, industry, and the like to help make the city grow. I urge you to visit every day from as many different IP addresses as possible.

It is simple, really, get people to click a link to help a virtual city grow. The site is powered by the fact it wants people to visit every day, and it does this by offering different links for people to click. The site's clock is based on GMT - 0

Madd's World:
I have created a site that has an RSS feed that shows the news for the city, such as new population, people who leave, new industry built. Also, I have provided links to the various functions (add to population, increase industry, etc). As the population grows, more links become available. The trick is to have people click on the right links to add to the right thing. If all anyone ever clicked was add to population, people would end up leaving due to no industry growth, and so on.

How You Can Help:
Simply visit each day to a link. Use the RSS feed to determine if people are unhappy about something, and click the link that corresponds to it, otherwise, simply add to the population. You could also add a link to your favorite link list on your website, blogs, myspace, etc, to help my city grow! Feel free to stop by and post a message on the city bulletin board.

How I Can Help:
Anyone can create a city, and I am more than happy to visit your city should you have one.

RSS feed:
If you use an RSS reader, you can keep an eye on the last 8 events at the following feed:

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