PULSE - a truly live recording?

Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:09:00
by Stingray
I listen to my Yahoo radio here at work, and recently it's been playing quite a few songs from the "Pulse" album. (I still remember when it first hit the shelves and Entertainment Tonight was talking about the whole blinking light thing - way before I was even into music). It has been labelled a live album, but I heard "High Hopes" on there and it sounded like almost a another take of the studio version. The vocals and acoustic guitar in particular sounded WAY too clean to be a live recording. I'm not too familiar with the entire album, but I have heard people talk about the discrepancy of if it is indeed a live recording overall. Is it supposed to completely live?
Re: PULSE - a truly live recording?

Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:47:11
by madd74
It is completely live, and when you are The Floyd, and can blow up 200 foot televisions for all of your shows and then some, you can afford to have equipment that makes your live stuff sound wonderfully close to a studio version. I have P.U.L.S.E. on VHS, DVD, and CD
Re: PULSE - a truly live recording?

Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:01:00
by PiperTheMad
Isn't it incredible when a band or artist is so talented that their performances sound near perfect.
There are a lot of artists out there who only sound good after a lot of altering. I absolutely agree that Pink Floyd was not one of these groups. Very talented.

Re: PULSE - a truly live recording?

Wed Oct 07, 2009 17:40:00
by madd74

Yes, I do agree, there are not too many bands or artists that sound that wonderful. While many would simply say I am bias in my Floyd thoughts, well, I think the millions and millions out there help back up my point!