
When the mind comes in contact with in and outside world, interesting things can happen. This forum is for the talk of everything philisophical and psychological. Pyschology and philosophy (PaP) have run my life for a long time, and if ever you want to get Madd's attention, anything of PaP nature will do just that.


Postby madd74 » Tue Aug 21, 2007 17:17:08

How deep and into life can one get without thinking of death? You know, I think that most humans, due to mortality, really do their best to not think of death. know at one point I use to not really think much about it. However, the strange universe of death has been knocking on many doors in my world of late, the reminder that mortality is very real. It makes me think about death, as my curiosity is fantastically high, and I have not ever experienced it, I think about it, and of course, attempt to imagine what it is like to actually be dead. Some times it overwelmes me a bit, as I imagine life on Earth in 100 years, or attempt to imagine processing information as I do right now, except the fact I am dead, which gives that extremely strange feeling.

I many times feel that the human condition uses reasons such as God, their religous beliefs, or what have you, to not actually think about it. For if I human ponders it a lot, then certain things can happen. People state they do not understand how someone can commit suicide. It is a difficult concept for most, especially those who do not think about (or attempt to avoid) death, so it is understandable as to the reason. My only remembered thoughts of my own life and taking it were long ago, some time around 1994 or so, in which I honestly gave thought to giving people time off from work. However, it was so long ago, and my mind was much more immature back then. Still, of seeing a suicide here and there on the news, I think I come to better understand as to what causes humans to self terminate; a program that otherwise counters the self preservation program that we get from the time we are conceived. To this day, it has yet to be disproven that we humans run from the three basic principles of life, that we want to be loved, we want to love, and we want happiness in the absense of pain. I would imagine, if one is void of those things, or if one is extremely messed up negatively, overriding the other two, that will cause a sense of dissonance, and at any point any organism suffers cognative dissonance, the mind works to correct it. In my own case where I gave real thought to self termination, one of the three (if not two) points came to play. Obviously, my self preservation program was stronger, as here I am typing over a decade later.

So, I do think I understand what makes someone end. If you think about death and take it for what it is, and add those three points to the human condition, it is amazing more people do not off their own self. If you believe in God, an afterlife, or nothing, or you live in a cave regardless of what you do, then if you die now or if you die in 80 years, the outcome to you is the same. Your conscious self as it is now, no longer exists. Those who believe as I do (still hanging in there, thankfully), realize the pains of this this existence are temporary, and will come to an end. Those who believe that all there is in life is the end, may mentally come to realize, that when you die, your thoughts and memories are no more, and whatever you did will no longer matter to you (key word, you), so enjoy the trip from life to death as you can, or check out whenever you feel it. I believe this mentality can drive some to do some of the heinous things in life against others, including their children, babies, loved ones, etc. I realize there is more to it than that, however, my 15 minute break is up.
I will have something here... at some point...
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