Subconscious obstination (cross linked at

When the mind comes in contact with in and outside world, interesting things can happen. This forum is for the talk of everything philisophical and psychological. Pyschology and philosophy (PaP) have run my life for a long time, and if ever you want to get Madd's attention, anything of PaP nature will do just that.

Subconscious obstination (cross linked at

Postby madd74 » Wed Jul 11, 2007 18:03:57 wrote:When a man fails to help out around the house, his poor performance might be related to a subconscious tendency to resist doing anything his wife wants, a new study suggests. ... tance.html

Yeah, well, whatever. I think it is more strong to an actual issue, and one I wish more males and females took into consideration:

Men and Women Really Do Think Differently

In one of many psychology classes I took in college, I found out that the structure of the female and male brain are different. Now, this article is talking more on white vs. grey matter, not taking into account the fact that the actual pathway between the left and right hemospheres work different for males and females. Women actually can think better with both the left and the right, while later in life (around 28 or so, give or take some years), the pathway between the two start to deteriorate, and fast.

In a study I raed about in my psych class, humans were given stero headphones to wear, and there was a story in one side and a different story in the other. They were asked to listen to either story, and then talk about that story. It was found that men did this with greater accuracy. This was not due to any better ability of the male, in fact, the opposite. It turns out, that the males end up hearing one story and sticking to it, almost blocking out the other story. Females, using more of the brain, were taking in both stories at the same time and attempting to process them both, thus making it more difficult to talk about a story at the end.

Ladies, when your man is into something, and you attempt to talk to your man and it seems that he is ignoring you, it MAY actually be that his brain is processing something (TV, daydream, deep mental processing), and the brain has problems processing your information. You ladies do this much better than we do. You could watch TV, have a convo with someone, and something else could happen and you have no problem realizing something else is coming through. Think of it like call waiting for the brain. Now, it is not that men do not do this, and some men have no problems processing the other information (do nto confuse this with multitasking, which is very different from the examples above).

Also, it is extremely important to note, that the myth of women being more emotional than men is not only extremely exaggerated, however can possibly be very false in some instances. Regarding that pathway I spoke of between the left and right, the fact this is so dominate in women makes them able to show emotions, due to how the left processes information compared to the right. Men can actually have more emotion than women. The problem is, due to this poor communication of the two halves, actually expressing it can be downright difficult. As many of you have babies, think of the situation like your child. Baby wants to do something, can see something, attempts to do something, and the body does not do what the baby otherwise wants, thus causing frustration, and that leads to... well... I think we know what babies do by now around here. Keep that in mind, ladies, the next time you want to accuse your man of being an un-emotional jerk. Because when you treat him like that, his brain takes in this information, and guess what is stored up there? Lots-o-emotion.
I will have something here... at some point...
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