Another topic of discussion...

When the mind comes in contact with in and outside world, interesting things can happen. This forum is for the talk of everything philisophical and psychological. Pyschology and philosophy (PaP) have run my life for a long time, and if ever you want to get Madd's attention, anything of PaP nature will do just that.

Re: Another topic of discussion...

Postby jacylane » Mon Oct 06, 2003 22:24:22

Gretl wrote:
One true love, one true friend, one true soul mate.

I don't believe this is necessarily wrapped up in one person.

I think it's possible for your soul mate to drift in and out of your life embodied by several different people.

Do you always *know* that your life is being touched by your soul mate? No, not on a conscious level. Our lives are touched every day by the random people that walk through the door. I can only hope that my life makes a change in the positive direction when my soul mate passes by.

The concept of "one true love" seems a bit out there. I *want* to believe in it but the person you meet and fall in love with today will not be the same a year from now. People evolve. Love needs to bend and grow in order to accomodate this evolution.

Ultimately, the chances of finding your one "true" love are slim (in my opinion). I only ask that I find someone that understands me, teaches me, and learns from me.

True friend. *sigh* Finding one true friend may be more difficult than finding one true soul mate....
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Postby madd74 » Mon Oct 13, 2003 14:45:31

What makes you want to believe in it? That puzzles me. To me, if one "wants" to believe in something, then... well... heck, I am not sure. It sounds strange to want to believe in something as opposed to believing or not believing in something.

True friend... that also depends on your definition of the word. I can have multiple best friends (and in thinking on that multiple to best condradicts itself, but that is because what best friend means to Madd), however I can only have one true friend. To this day I have not had close to a true friend. I think the possibility is there, of course, I feel more and more with my interactions that marriage may not be the route my life goes, even though I would like to be married. The chances, once again, are very low, however, they are there.

My defintion of what I was told a soulmate is and what I have been hearing are very off key. I also saw it as this:

Before we are born, we are "broke apart" from another being. So for example, if I am married to Jane, and Jane is my soulmate, that means her and I were together as a soul before we were both born. I do believe such a thing COULD be possible and one still believe in God as I do. However, I do not believe that such a thing exists. I do not believe that God (or any higher power, or any random chance how we made it to earth) has made such a thing.

However, if everyone takes it to a similar defintion as a best friend, I might be able to buy it. Just realize, I can have 10,000 possible best friends at once.

So in conclusion, I am stating by beliefs as this:

If best friend defined by Madd = soulmate defintion of everyone else, then it is possible.

If true friend defined by Madd = soulmate defined by everyone else, AND true friend of Madd means never able to be replaced by another, then not possible

... and I feel most people see number two as the rule.
I will have something here... at some point...
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