Lotus Eaters in The Odyssey

When the mind comes in contact with in and outside world, interesting things can happen. This forum is for the talk of everything philisophical and psychological. Pyschology and philosophy (PaP) have run my life for a long time, and if ever you want to get Madd's attention, anything of PaP nature will do just that.

Lotus Eaters in The Odyssey

Postby PiperTheMad » Mon Sep 28, 2009 18:40:09

So I've been reading The Odyssey.... mostly because I wanted to see the similarities to O Brother Where art Thou.

It's been a good book. And I've found the Lotus Eaters to be very interesting. Do you think they knew of drugs back then? Because drug addictions summarize the Lotus Eaters almost perfectly. I guess seductions and self-destructive activities have always been around, but it is interesting to me.
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Re: Lotus Eaters in The Odyssey

Postby madd74 » Mon Sep 28, 2009 20:31:09

Odyssey... yeah I remember reading that. Man, drugs would certainly explain a lot of things :)

Types of drugs have been found in nature, so of course, they have been around since the "turn of the planet" (appealing to both creationists and evolutionists). So, it would not be unheard of to think that even way back then, drugs could be involved.

It does make me think and ponder how some of the ideals and such came about back then, since any "found" or even made drug most likely did not have the restrictions that we have in the modern time.
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