Dejavu how far can it go?

When the mind comes in contact with in and outside world, interesting things can happen. This forum is for the talk of everything philisophical and psychological. Pyschology and philosophy (PaP) have run my life for a long time, and if ever you want to get Madd's attention, anything of PaP nature will do just that.

Postby nyquildreamer » Tue Feb 01, 2005 15:24:37

See, but that's hard to do, Madd. I go about in circles. I'm balanced between several conclusions: I'm crazy, Crazy people don't think they're crazy, I'm paranoid, I have latent premonitions of the future, I THINK I do, I'm just THINKING I think I do, I'm the center of my own universe, So is everybody, AND SO ON!

It just spirals out of kilter in my head and makes me feel sick.
Like this guy here: :mad:

I guess usually I just like to sit back and listen to Cake.
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Postby nyquildreamer » Tue Feb 01, 2005 15:28:36

But I see that I've strayed from the topic. The Deja Vu persists in day to day. In fact, just last Saturday I had another little episode. I was watching my friend Jacob help a woman make a purchase and I seemed to recall everything she said as she said it.
For me, it never seems to go very far back. It just happens in the moment and leaves an odd feeling in it's wake. However, I'm starting to just ignore it. Getting worked up makes me sick.
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Postby madd74 » Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:25:22

i do not think you are crazy, in fact, i am rather sure of it. i have seen insanity, real insanity, a few times in my days. i think it about three, and each time, was me. i believe that insanity gets confused with other things, such as self frustration, and lack of motivation, and things that the mind things it ought to be doing but never does, so, the mind starts to think it crazy. of course, you could be a loon, who really knows but God.

that guy is angry, by the way, he is not sick.

yeah, i think that all d?ja vu is anyway, it has been so long since i have had it that i do not remember. at least you are not getting as worked up about it
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Postby nyquildreamer » Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:11:10

Thanks. I don't really think I could be insane either.
I just used that angry guy to demonstrate the circles and frustrationthat would lead to kind of a dizziness.
And I'm trying not to get worked up about it. So it's okay.
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Postby madd74 » Wed Feb 02, 2005 22:01:54

yeah, i was just messin' with you, it is all good. oddly enough, a friend at work started talking about the subject, and said it was a things of dreams, and i was attempting to state i was talking more on something else, and it was all crazy, and all good, and all went okay afterwards, so we hope, hehe
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