no visual confirmation

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Postby sewcute » Wed Sep 27, 2006 16:42:56

try me :P

It can't hurt. . .if it's a file you have right now, send it me and I can play with it, but I will leave it to you to cut off what you want. . .

(it didn't ask me for the letters and numbers even though I wasn't signed in. . .why?)
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Postby madd74 » Wed Sep 27, 2006 16:55:14

i will send you the file. yes, I split this off because your question is a very good one, and is technically support.

at this point, after the update, I overrided all the original modifications to the board. of the modifications, the really handy guest visual confirmation code was one of them. as you might catch from time to time, there are bots posting stuff on the board now. Of late, they are targetting little X and posting garbage. this is not an error with the service. I will work to correct this, however the original one I used is not there, so I have to determine which one I will go with.

great question!
I will have something here... at some point...
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Postby sewcute » Wed Sep 27, 2006 16:58:56

it's fine that you moved it, I completely understand.

I guess I haven't really noticed bots. . .or maybe you are just doing such a good job of getting rid of them I don't notice?

silly people and their silly bots!

GRRR! I need to just keep your forum up.
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Postby madd74 » Wed Sep 27, 2006 17:27:37

i have found the program and corrected the problem, you now have to use visual confirmation if you are not logged into the board.

yes, I have done a darn good job after you came back of getting rid of bots.
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Postby sewcute » Wed Sep 27, 2006 17:28:52

did you send me that file yet? or do you have to wait?

I should log out and try it. . .
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Postby madd74 » Wed Sep 27, 2006 17:30:27

i have logged out and tested, the confirmation is working (a little too well, the 0 and o look the same)

i will send a file via gmail
I will have something here... at some point...
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Postby sewcute » Wed Sep 27, 2006 17:32:33

yeah I got it to work also, and had the same issue with the 0 and O. . .maybe you could post something for humans? although. . .most humans would have an account. . .
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Postby madd74 » Wed Sep 27, 2006 17:37:16

at this point, I have an anti-bot register, a visual confirm, and a question asking if they are human, and since I put the question in, bots have stopped registering. also, most bots do not confirm their account, and thus are not able to post. a few rare did, very rare, as my board gets extremely low and poor traffic. so at this point, my board should remain bot free.

phpBB, the board I use, is coming out with a completely new system (think Win98 vs. WinXP), and all current modifications will not work on this new board. because of this, I have halted adding new things (point system, calendar, birthday, forum notification, and many others) as these will not be compatable. Everything will be very different, even though all posts and stats should remain the same. at this point I am just doing what I can to keep bots away, as they anger me like no other, ESPECIALLY since of late they have been posting to little X (most likely due to the forum being first on the list).
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