Forum Guest Posting Reinstated

Any problems with any Maddian services (, JOHD, etc) are to be directed here. If you notice something is not working the way it is meant to, or if you run across a broken link on any part of my site, make sure to post here please so I can fix it!

Forum Guest Posting Reinstated

Postby madd74 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:22:37

With the Authorized for URLs MOD installed, I am turning back guest posting to most places that originally allowed it. BOTS should be stopped dead cold in their tracks. Besides the inability to posts links, non-authorized parties will be unable to post image files either, since the board treats them like a link.

No registered user should have a problem posting, and of course, guests can post as long as they do not attempt to include a link or image. If there is any trouble with posting, please let me know by replying to this topic, thank you!

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Master of Maddness
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