Forum problems 081015: possible solution

Today when I got into work it was noted that there were problems getting into the forum. I found that when I attempted to go to that I would get a search engine instead looking for the site. This was an indication that it was down. Even though the forum was down, the actual site was working fine and at normal speed.
I know I have said many times that I was going to move the entire site to somewhere else as I was tired of all the down time I was getting. Honestly, when you run a site of which you put no ads, get no money, or anything else, well, there is just not that motivation when the board is as quiet as it is for just a small 3 or so people. Plus, realistically, even when I did have issues, the way they were addressed to me was disrespectful for those fact. I am one of the few places on the web where you are bothered by absolutely no ads of my own. Yeah, the meebo chat can have ads, however, I did not put them there. I do not do google adsense that every other site does. I do these things because when I go on the web, that is what I would want, so that is what I give. I eat the cost of what it takes to run a website in both money, and of course, the time it takes for me to do the updates that I have. The only thing I have wanted from people who come here is traffic, and link association (meaning, on your blogs, or myspace, or facebook, and everywhere else you have a presence, have a link to and or as in doing so makes me more popular with the search engines, and that means more people will come to my site who I can interact with). You show me another site that actually offers some sort of boredom relief that does what I do at so little of a cost. In fact, I am one of the very few forums in the world that allow so much freedom without even having to sign up and register (English at least, as I don
I know I have said many times that I was going to move the entire site to somewhere else as I was tired of all the down time I was getting. Honestly, when you run a site of which you put no ads, get no money, or anything else, well, there is just not that motivation when the board is as quiet as it is for just a small 3 or so people. Plus, realistically, even when I did have issues, the way they were addressed to me was disrespectful for those fact. I am one of the few places on the web where you are bothered by absolutely no ads of my own. Yeah, the meebo chat can have ads, however, I did not put them there. I do not do google adsense that every other site does. I do these things because when I go on the web, that is what I would want, so that is what I give. I eat the cost of what it takes to run a website in both money, and of course, the time it takes for me to do the updates that I have. The only thing I have wanted from people who come here is traffic, and link association (meaning, on your blogs, or myspace, or facebook, and everywhere else you have a presence, have a link to and or as in doing so makes me more popular with the search engines, and that means more people will come to my site who I can interact with). You show me another site that actually offers some sort of boredom relief that does what I do at so little of a cost. In fact, I am one of the very few forums in the world that allow so much freedom without even having to sign up and register (English at least, as I don