If you happen to see this "bot" roaming around the forum, it is registered to known spambots. The way this is determined is when a guest appears to be "posting" but never posts anything, if you look up the IP address, you might find that IP address has posted a lot of spam in other forums. To help ensure best speed and such, these spambots are classified as a bot, not allowing posting access, only special read access, and also grouping together large groups of them to only one connection (ie 9 different registered spam bots would show up as 1 person).
If you happen to be logged into the board, and it has you logged in as
spambot [bad robot]
and you are not able to do anything, then a "famous" spammer has used an IP address that changes (dynamic) and you happened to pick up that address. Should you be a real human attempting to access my forums, and this is the case, please contact me and I will look into it further, thank you.
Contact: http://madd74.com/contact.htm