spambot [bad robot]

Any problems with any Maddian services (, JOHD, etc) are to be directed here. If you notice something is not working the way it is meant to, or if you run across a broken link on any part of my site, make sure to post here please so I can fix it!

spambot [bad robot]

Postby madd74 » Wed Apr 02, 2008 20:05:05

If you happen to see this "bot" roaming around the forum, it is registered to known spambots. The way this is determined is when a guest appears to be "posting" but never posts anything, if you look up the IP address, you might find that IP address has posted a lot of spam in other forums. To help ensure best speed and such, these spambots are classified as a bot, not allowing posting access, only special read access, and also grouping together large groups of them to only one connection (ie 9 different registered spam bots would show up as 1 person).

If you happen to be logged into the board, and it has you logged in as

spambot [bad robot]

and you are not able to do anything, then a "famous" spammer has used an IP address that changes (dynamic) and you happened to pick up that address. Should you be a real human attempting to access my forums, and this is the case, please contact me and I will look into it further, thank you.

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Master of Maddness
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Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2003 10:16:53
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Xbox Live: madd74
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