Website Chat

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Website Chat

Postby madd74 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 21:00:53

At this point, bookmark this and visit if you want to chat. Even if I switch total providers, programs, or whatever, this will point to where my current supported chat.

As of right now, the chat being used is powered by The only downside to this is that PSP ads tend to run in the media window. The nice thing about this chat, however, is that if you post a URL the media window will display that media type. If you happen to be sitting in the chat, and an ad pops up, you can just click on one of the existing links and it will play that link instead. Then you can press on the || (looks like a pause button, and doing so will display a play button) to stop the current media.

The chat now has the chat logs. You can access them seperately at, however, just going to the chat will bring up all the conversations that have been had through chat.
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