As anyone who has been to places on knows by now, there is a "floaty bar" that "follows" you when you scroll up and down web pages. dITZ appears to use this in the same manner a cat uses a ball of yarn. It's actual purpose, however, is far greater.(12/27 18:24:25) cmplxty7: I had asked if there would be an option to make the floaty bar go away
(12/27 18:24:36) cmplxty7: then I said if not I would get used to it
(12/27 18:24:47) cmplxty7: it is just annoying me right now.
(12/27 18:24:59) cmplxty7: but that whole message didn't post :/
(12/27 18:43:07) madd74: I am not sure what you meant by that (message post), as I have not had any problems posting anything. I hope to use an option that would allow one to make a preference to where the menu goes, similar to
(12/27 18:44:14) madd74: notice, that when you select the check box, you can make the menu move on spot to things, and I would LOVE to make it so a setting could be set by anyone who obeys cookies
As noted in my shoutbox conversation with cmplxty7, I do hope to have an option that allows users to actually change the position and behavior of the "floaty bar" (known in the Internet world as a menu