071120.2x - possible board issue

Any problems with any Maddian services (http://madd74.com, JOHD, etc) are to be directed here. If you notice something is not working the way it is meant to, or if you run across a broken link on any part of my site, make sure to post here please so I can fix it!

071120.2x - possible board issue

Postby madd74 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 18:01:22

In attempts to get cha to work, through the day I shall be entering parts of code, one part at a time, to see if I can get service to work. If you happen to log into the board at that time, and notice everything is blank, and nothing attempts to load, please note this is not a "problem" per say, as much as me modifying code. Unfortunately, taking the board down will not prevent this from happening, so I thought I would let everyone know as long as this thread is open, that I can be working on code. Thank you.
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