email "" disabled

Any problems with any Maddian services (, JOHD, etc) are to be directed here. If you notice something is not working the way it is meant to, or if you run across a broken link on any part of my site, make sure to post here please so I can fix it!

email "" disabled

Postby madd74 » Mon Nov 19, 2007 17:07:25

To anyone who might have, or on file, this email address has been deactivated due to a massive amount of spam received on it. The board email address has been changed.

As always, any email address you use in your profile is hidden. People can email you (if you allow it) and the admins can email you at any time, and it is done via the board, not showing what your email address is. Also, your email is protected from email harvest robots (bots that search the web looking for emails to add to their database to send spam to later). In no way, shape, or form do I use other people's email for anything other than to send email to. I cannot tolerate spam more than you do.

If you are reading this due to the redirection from, please note, attempting to post on my board to sell your stupid products is a waste of time. Your posts will be deleted instantly, and nothing you attempt to link to will ever be bought by me. My users are not interested in your trash either. Any attempts to bother my people will be met with my wrath. I can track your IP address down to your provider, and report you. Like a mother eagle over her young, I will protect my users at almost any cost. Have a nice day, and go away! :p
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Re: email "" disabled

Postby Mair » Tue Nov 20, 2007 20:50:24

Did you post this to inform us AFTER I emailed you to tell you there was trouble with the board?
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Re: email "" disabled

Postby madd74 » Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:46:15

it was after, and that email address you speak of was already changed to the new email address
I will have something here... at some point...
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