Database error: posts lost for 071116.5x

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Database error: posts lost for 071116.5x

Postby madd74 » Sat Nov 17, 2007 1:05:49

There was a database error with the table that holds the actual posts in them. It was repaired, however, all posts made on 11/16 are gone. In fact, that last successful post made was:

Code: Select all

Postby monkeybone on 07/11/15 23:21:28

All posts after this are lost. Since only the post table was damaged, the view count, last posted person, and reply counts are showing what "happened". So a reply made after 11/15 23:21 would show a reply count of 1, yet you open it and there is no reply. It would say Madd was the last to post, yet you do not see my post. So that is what happened, and at this time, there is nothing I can do to get the data back. I apologize for the trouble, especially Mair who seems to be under me in loss of posts.

At some point, I shall go back and correct the database manually for the posts that have wrong post counts to them.

Also, keep in mind since you are not able to "read" the deleted posts, when you open them, and then go back, it will show that you have not read the post yet. To correct this problem, you must click on the "mark topic read" for the "Total Random" forum, since that was the only forum that appears to be affected, since it was the only forum that got new posts Friday.
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Re: Database error: posts lost for 071116.5x

Postby madd74 » Sat Nov 17, 2007 1:34:52

I created a post in that forum:


This gives all the rest of the info, including the fix, thank you.
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Re: Database error: posts lost for 071116.5x

Postby ditzwill » Mon Nov 19, 2007 16:00:49

I didn't contribute to the breaking of the forum at all, did I?
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Re: Database error: posts lost for 071116.5x

Postby madd74 » Mon Nov 19, 2007 16:46:26

No, you did not :)

It would appear the reason the table went bad is related to all the problems that occur on the server side (people who I buy the service from). An example would be, if you wanted to run a web site, you call me, and I hook my computer up, and let you remote access and store files on it. Well, they have had a lot of down time with the database that stores the information for the forums. This database is like a large spreadsheet. The board says, "get data from cell A35 as that is where the post information is." Well, that table "A35" ended up corrupt, and needed repaired. This repair is similar to having a file on a floppy disk, and the floppy gets damaged. Back in the old day, you could run something like "scandisk" in DOS to fix this file. That is what was done (I think, I did not actually do the repair) to get the information back. Well, unforuntately the data to Friday had been lost. At this point, I am starting to make more routine back ups to prevent loss of data (especially since a lot of posts from Mair and myself were lost).

So, it can happen, and I am thankful that there were backups, otherwise every single post on the forum would be lost since the conversion to phpbb3 (for the old forum at is active. I have that /forum up because the currently uses that database for the users, as there is yet a stable bridge between the software used for phpbb3 and coppermine [the gallery programmed being used]).

Clear as mud?
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Re: Database error: posts lost for 071116.5x

Postby ditzwill » Mon Nov 19, 2007 19:28:44

All of it except the last part.
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