Forum Helpful hint: jump to new message

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Forum Helpful hint: jump to new message

Postby madd74 » Thu Nov 15, 2007 17:48:43

In any of the three styles currently used, you can jump to the last read post in any topic. The helpful hint 1 picture has a circle around what the icon looks like, and when you put your mouse over it, the box "View first unread post" appears. Also, if you use a status bar in your browser, you will see "=unread#unread" in the end, as shown below. This way, for extremely long threads, you can jump right to where you left off. So if you click this little icon, it will take you to the unread posts. If you just click on the topic, it will show you the very first topic in the thread.
Helpful hint 1 (prosilver style)
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