right now 0905 1241a

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right now 0905 1241a

Postby madd74 » Thu Sep 04, 2003 23:51:21

Well... it looks as if plans have changed. There are too many things to get done, I do not feel I am going to be able to get my work completed for the trip to WI today. Neo is no where near prepped... the game systems are not packed. {sigh}

I soooooo wanted to have this done and over with so I can just go up and see Stingray, but alas, time shall be lost due to all this. {sigh}

On the bright side, I am gonna be SEEING him soon. Also note, that it is close to bed time. Madd works at 11am to 9pm. After work, I think I am going to pack everything up. Then after that, I am going to go to bed, most likely early. I may drink some after getting home to help me sleep by around 1a on Sat. All the packing is to be done so that I can get up, shower, and go see my bitch.
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