**right now 0830 1239p**

This is to find out what Madd is up to on a day to day basis.

**right now 0830 1239p**

Postby madd74 » Sat Aug 30, 2003 11:45:39

Well, as my FFO2 fights in the other room without my help (yeah, they are that good), I prepare for what could be one of the happiest times of my life to date... possibly :D It defintely has potential. My 10 year class reunion is today, and I have a 2 hour drive back west towards the Neola area. I am going to clean up Alex (hey everyone else will be cleaning up their kids I bet), and I will wash him. I even made some Moch lemonade to let the kiddies have. I am going to go look for my year book now.

I will be out of town all day, and will not be back until some time Sunday night.
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Master of Maddness
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