right now 0827 1214p

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right now 0827 1214p

Postby madd74 » Wed Aug 27, 2003 11:21:23

Well... I ran into a snag getting some of the updates I wanted to, and it requires me to "learn" more programming. Please note, at this time there is no way to inform when new posts are made (there is a hack to change that, however I have to learn something first and am working on that), so if someone posts a new post then there is no way to tell anyone. The Maddbot only is used to inform when THIS forum is updated. When I get the hack installed, humans shall be able to get emails when someone posts to given forums, or all (if they choose). I wish to get ready for work, and I have an electric bill to pay thus I will be leaving earlier than usual. Tonight is Wednesday, so I shall be going to Billy Joe's after work, and do not plan on being home until at least Thursday 2a. I am not sure when I am going to be able to do those updates, however I hope it is soon.
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