right now 0822 1250p

Per request and for those who are lazier than myself, updates to email Maddbot shall now include the entire update so you technically do not have to come to the site to stay informed. Please realize that this is not going to be the case for people who post replies here, that is still something that you will have to come here to see.
Well, my update this morning did not go as plan, but strike one blow against procrastination. Seemed that after the original game playing, the TV of death sucked me in, almost to the point of passing out. I got over that, however, and got ready for bed (it's a JOHD thing) and then got two of three games done, because I came in my room and passed out the wrong way in bed.
Today's line of events, besides going to work in less than 40 min, currently have nothing planned. If I do not end up going out, I do hope to get a few hacks installed to the forums. I appear to have finally gotten all of my sleep... soo... hopefully that will help, and I welcome Gizmo to my community!!
Well, my update this morning did not go as plan, but strike one blow against procrastination. Seemed that after the original game playing, the TV of death sucked me in, almost to the point of passing out. I got over that, however, and got ready for bed (it's a JOHD thing) and then got two of three games done, because I came in my room and passed out the wrong way in bed.
Today's line of events, besides going to work in less than 40 min, currently have nothing planned. If I do not end up going out, I do hope to get a few hacks installed to the forums. I appear to have finally gotten all of my sleep... soo... hopefully that will help, and I welcome Gizmo to my community!!