right now 1105 1218p

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right now 1105 1218p

Postby madd74 » Wed Nov 05, 2003 12:21:55

-right now: well it appears I most likely will not be going to BJ tonight. While Matrix started at 08a today, Myles works, and going without him would be... well, both hipicritical of myself and a foolish mistake I never am able to again. So, instead I most likely will be going to a later showing tonight. I am hoping there is an 11p show. The computer formatting took a very pleasent delayed turn last night in the form of dITZ and heading to BJ last night into this morning. The computer is all set... all I have to do now is the actual format and restore, then from there it is installing all the programs back on. I plan to have full operation of the system by the end of the week. right now, I am going to finish eating my KFC and get ready for my 0130p work
I will have something here... at some point...
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