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Postby madd74 » Thu Nov 13, 2003 3:01:22

If ever you wanted a reason to buy an Xbox from Microcrap, who I do not care for, this game alone does it. Forget the fact it has a built in 5GB hard drive... Halo... and soon...

Halo 2... the only reason to own an Xbox and Xbox Live service!!
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Postby sewcute » Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:50:06

we have an Xbox. we got it for free. course the only time I have ever played an Xbox game is with you.

I shall stick with my nintendo products (that I currently own) tho.
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Postby madd74 » Tue Nov 25, 2003 14:51:02

yeah just wait until Shrek super story with DVD and all that come out on Xbox some year then I bet you will change your tune
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Postby sewcute » Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:23:01

what?! new shrek game? ha ha like I even own any of the other ones. . .well I do own the one for the gameboy.
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Postby madd74 » Wed Dec 10, 2003 12:41:35

I was kidding there is no such game 8-}

I am saying if it did come out, however...
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Postby sewcute » Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:09:10

not nice to tease one like that
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Postby madd74 » Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:54:04

they have Shrek games out, dear, just not the crazy kind that I was talking about
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Postby sewcute » Sun Dec 14, 2003 11:07:40

I know they have shrek games. . .I have not had the systems to buy them tho (yes I know you do, but I don't)

and could you please not call me dear
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Postby madd74 » Sun Dec 14, 2003 13:39:43

Well, your family does, however, and I would think that would count enough in buying a Shrek video game?
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Postby sewcute » Mon Dec 15, 2003 4:34:36

well I do not really like the Xbox, I wanted to get a gamecube, and buy it for that, but do not think I shall now
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Postby madd74 » Sat Dec 20, 2003 17:02:32

What is there not to like about the Xbox? They have one of the best controllers out there, I feel better than the PS2 even, of which I had enjoyed up to the release of the Xbox (and my playing of one).

Plus, Xbox has Halo. Xbox will have Halo2. There will be no reason to buy any other game once Halo2 comes out. All other systems, minus the portable ones, will have little existance to live... er... minus SSBM for Gamecube and the Metroid franchise!!
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