quick trip, oddly enough

For all that is, and ever will be Pink Floyd. One of my top two loves in existance is Pink Floyd, thus they get a special place in my electronic world. Please note that other music can be chatted about here, but only in relation to Pink Floyd.

quick trip, oddly enough

Postby monkeybone » Thu Mar 13, 2008 0:21:15

at the quick trips that i frequent (infrequently) there are sandwich board signs on the right and left of the front doors. the one on the right says "fritterin away"

this is apparently a reference to what? pork fritters? (i don't even know what that is)

last week, i asked a fellow customer if he thought that might be a reference to a floyd song, and after i sang a couple lines he agreed. yay.

tonight i tried the same thing with the clerk and got absolutely nowhere. she didn't know the floyd and looked at me strangely because i do.

the attempt at some humor and such went absolutely flat. i left the building knowing that the clerks thought me some sort of drug-addled freak.

and you know what? i liked that.
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Os de Singe
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