Madd's World • Red Mage of the Net

Floyd Cow

Free Registration


  Did you come here from the mobile TCG Valkyrie Crusade?  Are you a member of Iowa Floyd?  Click Here to join our forum!  If you are on Reddit, you can Click Here to join the Valkriecrusade subreddit.

  Please excuse as I yet again work on the site.  If you want to see the old site info, you can HERE.  The menu is almost complete, even though there are a few things not yet added to it.  You will have to allow javascript access to should you use script blockers.  Using the menu will give you the most options, however, your browser may be too weak and sad to render it properly :)  If you sign up in the forum then you can do your high score in the arcade and compete.

  If you are looking to contact me, the menu has a CONTACT option that will find me via everything from email, to SMS, to myspace or whatever your pleasure is on the web.

  There is even an extremely nice and detailed search function on the menu that you can access.  It is especially useful if you found me via a search engine and are not sure where the things are you are looking for.  So access the menu and select SEARCH, the last menu item right next to CONTACT.

  Madd's World is scheduled for one more massive change to the main domain and when that is done the menu system should also have many additional links and features, including a RSS feed.

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